Over 40 years ago, we began an effort to transform the way people live in houses. However much one travels the world, isn't the best sunrise the one experienced within the walls that we call home. So why not bring the best of the world into our homes? It is this effort that we make as tireless team of leading professionals dedicated to offering the world's best home solution brands under one roof called Sunrise.
We invite you to experience better textures, materials, finishes, quality and choices to every aspect of your home - whether bathrooms, kitchens, living spaces or automated solutions, you will find the widest variety under one roof at Sunrise.
It is our promise to offer you this range at the best prices and with great convenience, such that you realise what thousands of satisfied customers of Sunrise have - that we take your personal space personally!
We wish you the best life, one that Sunrise will always strive to make even better!